During the House E&A Committee public hearing on SB61, NHDES Assistant Commissioner Mark Sanborn, attempted to bully the House E&A Committee with numerous statements that SB61 is not to be amended in any way. Gee, wonder why?
Attorney Bryan Gould works for Casella Waste Systems. This and the subsequent emails were obtained from NHDES via a 91-A Right-To-Know request filed on May 4, 2023
Great testimony from Senator Debra Altschiller in support of HB56 on the floor of the NH State Senate, April 13, 2023. HB56 was ITL'd (KILLED) by a voice vote.
So ODD how strongly NHDES came out against HB56. Video of the April 4, 2023 testimony of Mark Sanborn, NH Department of Environmental Services Assistant Commissioner, and Michael Wimsatt, NHDES Waste Management Division Director, before the NH State Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee public hearing on HB56, relative to permits for the siting of new landfills. The bill they championed for, SB61, is sponsored by Senator Kevin Avard and favored by industry. #Telling
NH State Rep David Rochefort explains to the NH State Senate E&NR Committee in testimony why HB56 is so important to the North Country Town of Littleton and the development of the River District. April 4, 2023
Video from the New Hampshire House as it passed HB56 after a split committee vote with no recommendation, March 22, 2023
Testimony in OPPOSITION to HB56 during the public hearing for HB56 before the House E&A Committee, March 21, 2023. NHDES Assistant Commissioner Mark Sanborn, a Sununu political appointee with no apparent scientific background, and NHDES Director of Solid Waste Management Michael Wimsatt, speak out against HB56, while lobbying in previously-unseen, and disturbing fashion, for Senate Bill 61 (SB61), sponsored by pro-Casella GSL Landfill supporter Senator Kevin Avard.
By a vote of 96-63, the petitioned warrant article to abolish the Dalton Conservation Commission was defeated. This effort was put forth by the pro-Casella advocates in Dalton, w/at least one being PAID by Casella, to remove the Dalton Conservation Commission ahead of the next round of permitting for the GSL Landfill project in Dalton.
FaceBook video from Casella North Country, pitching fuel assistance via the Gilman, VT Senior Center. Is that even legal? What if other North Country residents call, will they be denied this generous offer? What about Gilman, VT residents? Reported to NH AG John Formella upon learning of this right BEFORE Dalton's Town Meeting, March 2023. NO RESPONSE from NH's AG Office.
Selling Landowner Doug Ingerson Stalking Jon Swan & Threatening Feb 28 2021
NH State Senator/ENR Chair Kevin Avard Admits IGNORANCE of Out-Of-State Waste, During HB177 Hearing 5/10/21
Raising awareness in the North Country about the threat posed by landfills next to bodies of water in NH. July 9, 2022
Community pride at Forest Lake...think this tradition will continue with a nearby landfill operating?
News coverage of Governor Sununu's veto of HB1454
From the NH State Senate public hearing for HB177, discussion relative to permitting and siting landfills in NH, landfill capacity