“Similarly, there will be no landfill at Forest Lake in Dalton.”
“We will not allow that beautiful part of our state, and that beautiful area, to become a dumping ground for out-of-state trash, it’s just not going to happen.”
NH Governor Kelly Ayotte, 1/9/25
Key quotes from10/29/24 visit:
"It makes no sense"
"This is a beautiful state park"
"It represents the beauty of New Hampshire"
"This just defies common sense. We cannot let that happen"
"Not happening on my watch"
nianecord, 1Locals React To Landfill Moratorium In Governor’s Budgete
Ayotte said landfill developer Casella Waste Systems would do well to hit the bricks.
“I really hope those that have proposed that project in Dalton rethink what they are doing,” Ayotte said. “It is not just me who doesn’t think it is the right thing.”
NH Bulletin: Ayotte endorses one-year moratorium on new landfills in New Hampshire
“To me, it’s pretty common sense to say that our North Country, our Lakes Region, our beautiful open spaces throughout the state shouldn’t be scarred by poorly envisioned projects that detract from our quality of life, which is why I am announcing today a landfill moratorium and a revamped regulatory process for approving these projects coming forward to ensure that our state’s beauty is not compromised.”
Ayotte endorses a one-year landfill moratorium. Is that enough for New Hampshire?
WMUR: Gov. Kelly Ayotte: Casella should ‘re-think’ North Country landfill
Video, NH House E&A Committee public hearing (1/28/2025) and work session (2/4/2025),
House Resolution 13 (HR13) "Opposing the permitting of a landfill next to Forest Lake State Park in Dalton, New Hampshire"
NCABC Attorney Manzelli letter to NHDES Waste Management Division, February 5, 2025:
"To the extent the Applicant cannot complete the Application by the February 28, 2025 deadline (i.e., one year of the date of the first incomplete application letter), the Department must deny the Application, unless the Applicant opts to withdraw the Application before the deadline."
"This is an extremely important project that will disturb approximately 148 acres of land, add 25.5 acres of impervious surfaces, destroy 11.5 acres of wetlands, and have adverse effects on the Ammonoosuc River and other known and unknown public interest factors.”
-Jim McClammer, Certified Wetlands Scientist,, Comments on NHDES Wetland Application #2023-03259 and Associated Applications, Granite State Landfill LLC (“GSL”), Dalton, New Hampshire, February 20, 2024
Jim McClammer, Environmental Scientist & NH Certified Wetland Scientist Report:
Water Quality Monitoring Results, North Country Environmental Services, Inc. Landfill
"Based on the well-documented record at the NCES Landfill of ongoing leachate releases to groundwater and surface water, and the persistence of toxic leachate compounds in groundwater at levels exceeding background concentrations and ambient groundwater quality standards, as well as undersized stormwater control structures at the proposed GS Landfill and its close proximity to both groundwater and surface waters, it is our opinion that the GS Landfill should not be located anywhere in the watersheds of the Ammonoosuc and Connecticut Rivers."
12/18/2024 Letter to NHDES from Attorney Amy Manzelli:
Casella’s Extensive Environmental Noncompliance Means Ineligibility for Permit
12/15/2024 SFL Blog Post:
Attorney Manzelli testimony submission to NH JLCAR in opposition to the Env-Sw 800 Final Proposed Rules provided by NHDES, November 15, 2024:
"In addition to the above, liners are only as reliable as the operators. For example, North Country Environmental Services, a Casella subsidiary operating a landfill in Bethlehem, recently realized and disclosed that over ten years ago its consultants mistakenly drilled numerous holes through its overliner, and those holes have existed and been allowing penetration through the overliner for those ten years without anyone realizing. See attached as Exhibit D Incident Report from Kim Crosby, Director of Compliance, North Country Environmental Services, Inc to N.H. Dep’t of Env’t Serv. (Sep. 6, 2024). "
Conspiracy and Corruption by State and Local Elected Officials on behalf of Casella Waste Systems:
Further evidence of public corruption (in my opinion) as NH State Senator Kevin Avard publicized meeting with Casella Waste Systems CEO John Casella on December 13, 2024, just one week prior to the December 19, 2024 approval of the newly-proposed Env-Sw 800 landfill rules.
Video: Senator Kevin Avard Meeting w/Casella Week Before JLCAR Landfill Rule Vote=Conspiracy, Corruption?
NH Bulletin: Advocates urge legislative panel to reject proposed landfill regulations
"The rules attracted special attention due to the pending permit applications from Casella Waste Systems to build a new landfill in the tiny northern town of Dalton, not far from the Vermont-based company’s existing landfill in Bethlehem that racked up hundreds of permit violations within a year. "
October 18, 2024 Complaint To NH AG: Corruption and Conspiracy By Town of Dalton Elected Officials
October 25, 2024 Follow Up Complaint To NH AG: Casella Offers Dalton Selectman Eric Moore $25k For Legal Expenses Relative To GSL Landfill HCA
Are Town of Dalton pro-landfill elected officials purposely working behind the scenes to screw over their own town on behalf of Casella in negotiations?
Video: Dalton Selectman Tom Dubreuil Expresses Opposition To Using Expert Sansoucy Associates For Casella HCA Negotiations (11/14/2024)
Video: Pro Landfill Dalton Selectman FIRE Mitchell Municipal Group Ahead of HCA Negotiations (8/9-8/26/24)
11/25/2024 Video: Town of Dalton Pro-Landfill Selectmen To Use Town Funds For Legal Advice Following Hostile Work Environment Complaint Filed Against Them By Town Administrator
NH Gubernatorial Candidate Kelly Ayotte Visits Forest Lake: "This just defies common sense. We cannot let that happen""
NH Gubernatorial Candidate Joyce Craig Visits Forest Lake
10/16/2024 Video: https://youtu.be/VRLdw3uX2-c
Dalton Conservation Commission files appeal of NHDES-issued Granite State Landfill Shoreland Impact Permit
SFL Founder Jon Swan Presentation Video: Saving Forest Lake
What Casella Isn't Telling You
9/20/2024 Letter From NCABC Attorney Manzelli to NHDES Director Wimsatt:
GSL Application(s) missing required leachate disposal agreements
Forest Lake State Park GSL Landfill Info Sheet 2024
Town of Littleton, NH switches landfills, will begin sending its waste to the AVRRDD Mt. Carberry Landfill in Success, NH, dealing another blow to Casella's plans for a new landfill at Forest Lake!
"Several weeks ago, MacNeil, Kellogg, and state Rep. Linda MacNeil, D-Littleton, toured both the Carberry and NCES landfills....
“The one thing at Carberry is they have their own wastewater treatment plant for their leachate,” said MacNeil. “They bought the plant from James River, the paper company. They do that all right there. That sort of impressed me. It was eye-opening. It helped me understand the process better and supported my vote tonight as well.”
Cal-Rec News Report, 9/11/2024
September 10, 2024 Attorney Manzelli letter to NHDES: NCES Permit Modification Request
"Approving the Proposed Modifications would be akin to codifying NCES operating under emergency conditions. Allowing NCES to operate under such conditions can have dire consequences, up to and including landfill slope failure. As Dr. De notes in his letter, these types of failures have caused numerous fatalities. What is more, sustained high leachate levels can have negative environmental consequences, including leachate infiltration into surface water. The Proposed Modifications do not alleviate these concerns and, in fact, raise even more concerns."
Video, 7/29/2024 Casella HCA Presentation To Town of Dalton Selectboard: https://youtu.be/uldoJKhVc84
Blog Post: Casella Permitting Ruse Exposed During Dalton HCA Presentation
7/24/24: On WMUR, Warmington vows to “stop the garbage” not just with a temporary pause on new facilities but also a ban on new landfills next to lakes and state parks in press conference at Forest Lake
NH Gubernatorial Candidate Cinde Warmington releases new tv campaign ad: "Garbage", denouncing out-of-state trash, protecting drinking water, our lakes, and state parks from landfills
Can Casella keep up with leachate generation and disposal at the NCES Landfill?
Small "hole" found in Stage II primary liner:
"likely a remnant of Stage II construction"-Brett Deyling, P.E. of CMA Engineers, April 9, 2024, pg 34-35
7/15/2024 NCES Response Letter to NHDES LOD No. SWMB 24-006
7/11/24 Cal-Rec:
"NH doesn't need a new landfill, Massachusetts needs a landfill"
-NH State Senate District-1 candidate David Rochefort, 7/11/2024
CLF Comment Letter To US Army Corps, 7/3/2024
6/14/2024 NHDES Issues "Letter Of Deficiency" To Casella For Leachate Mismanagement At NCES Landfill In Bethlehem, NH (2,182 VIOLATIONS of the NCES operating permit)
Video: NCES Landfill "Seep" Discharging PFHxA, PFBS, PFOA, PFHpA, & PFHxS into the Ammonoosuc River 6/13/24
(Confirms October 2023 Seep testing, same predominant PFAS compounds found in NCES leachate)
6/4/24 NHDES site visit report, NCES Landfill:
"Kevin Roy informed NHDES staff that the SCADA system display at the landfill office had not been working for the last couple of days."
6/12/24 NHDES site visit report, NCES Landfill:
"NHDES staff observed waste on top of the intermediate cover in this area."
6/27/2024, Cal-Rec: Federal Regulators Hear Landfill Concerns, Little Support, In Dalton
6/28/2024, NH Bulletin: North Country Residents Rally Against Dalton Landfill: "I Don't Want Massachusetts Trash"
North Country Alliance for Balanced Change comprehensive set of comments, including cover letter with executive summary, and incorporated supporting attachments, urging the Army Corp to deny the GSL request for a 404 permit:
2024-07-03 Manzelli Letter obo NCABC to Army Corp Re NAE-2021-02240 4040 GSL.pdf
6/28/2024 Union Leader Op-Ed: Beware Of Landfill Developers Bearing Gifts
Video: DENY The Dump Rally, Dalton, NH 6/26/2024
Video: US Army Corps of Engineers Public Meeting, Q&A, Environmental Justice Roundtable
The Army Corps of Engineers public comment period has ended. Thanks to all who provided comments!
5/8/2024 Swan Comment Letter To USACE: The GSL Design is outdated, flawed, and fails to adequately protect the surrounding watershed from leachate mishandling and accidents since the infrastructure area lies entirely OUTSIDE of the lined landfill footprint.
5/8/2024 Connecticut Valley Environmental Services (CVES) Letter: Evaluation of the Project on the Public Interest has not been Conducted
4/29/2024 North East Ecological Services (‘NEES’) Letter: Northern long-eared bats may be “potentially
affected by activities in this location”
4/28/2024 Caledonian-Record: Landfill Opposition Read Into Littleton (NH) Selectboard Record
April 9, 2024 Public Notice from US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) seeking public comment
5/28/2024 Public Notice to extend public comment period to July 3, 2024
According to the notice:
"The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which may reasonably accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered, including the cumulative effects thereof; among those are:
conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural value, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain value, land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food production and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people."
We suggest reading "The Report of the Dalton Conservation Commission" for talking points and supported information:
The report of the Bethlehem Conservation Commission: https://www.des.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt341/files/inline-documents/sonh/bcc-comments_0.pdf
If you are familiar with the long, controversial history of the NCES Landfill in neighboring Bethlehem, be sure to include that in your submitted comments, including the fact that there is widespread PFAS contamination at that site, as evidenced by the required groundwater monitoring reports. The vicinity around and including the GSL site at Forest Lake has been tested to be FREE of PFAS contamination. Why on earth would the permitting agencies allow for the introduction of PFAS-laden waste into an area where we have clean water? We have clean air! Peace and quiet...the list goes on and on as to WHY we are opposed to this terrible idea from an uncaring, greedy, opportunistic predator of a company.
Here's a great letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from a couple in Bethlehem:
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing to express my strong objection to granting a permit to Casella Waste Systems for a landfill in Dalton, NH. I am a taxpayer in nearby Bethlehem, where our struggles with the current Casella landfill are ongoing, including PFAS contamination of the NCES site.
My husband and I have a lovely summer cottage in Bethlehem, a town that has paid the price of allowing a Casella landfill. We are deeply troubled by the idea that another landfill could be sited just a few miles away, another threat to the Ammonoosuc River as well as our beloved Forest Lake State Park. Acres of wetland would be destroyed by the Granite State Landfill, along with several vernal pools vital for local wildlife and Forest Lake would be irreparably damaged.
It is outrageous that a landfill would be considered for this particular location given its proximity to Forest Lake and Burns Pond, the Alder Brook/Hatch Brook catchment, the Ammonoosuc River, and the associated wetlands of the area. The damage to these vital natural resources from runoff, scavenger birds, and truck traffic would be catastrophic.
A public hearing regarding this permit should be scheduled at the White Mountain Regional High School in Whitefield, NH. It is imperative that the USACE hear from the property owners, families and businesses that would be impacted for decades by this decision.
We urge the USACE to truly consider the public interest, and recognize the years of effort expended to save our beloved North Country from this dangerous polluter.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Redacted Names
Bethlehem, NH
June 18, 2024, from WMUR TV9, news report/video:
Concord Monitor: Opinion: It’s time for DES to prioritize environment and public health over industry interests
Video: Public hearing, proposed Env-800 Sw rule changes, 5/20/24
5/21/24 Concord Monitor: DES’ proposed solid waste rules leave many unsatisfied
April 22, 2024 NHDES inter-department memo: Phone Call with Samuel Nicolai of Casella RE: Leachate Hauling Emergency Circumstance Occurring at NCES Landfill April 19, 2024
New Landfill Moratorium Bill (HB1620) Killed In NH State Senate: Video
(Same thing has happened over the past 5 years, HB177, HB1454, and HB56 meeting the same fate)
Public cries of behind-the-scenes influence by the waste industry, graft, and corruption lead to demand for FBI to investigate top-level officials in New Hampshire governance
Federal Bureau of Investigation-Boston Office: (857) 386-2000
Jon Swan v Casella Waste Systems Court Date Set For January 7-17, 2025
GoFundMe Fundraiser For Legal Expenses
4/16/2024 Dalton Conservation Commission comment letter USACE File Number: NAE-2021-02240
4/17/2024 letter of concerns about the GSL project from the Coos County Commissioners to NHDES Commissioner Scott
4/18/2024 Anirban Engineering report on the GSL Solid Waste Permit Application
4/19/2024 letter of opposition to the GSL project from 7 North Country State Representatives to NHDES Commissioner Scott, also expressing concerns about the widespread PFAS contamination at the NCES Landfill
4/10/2024 letter of opposition to the GSL project from the Whitefield Conservation Commission to NHDES
4/15/2024 letter of opposition to the GSL project from the Town of Whitefield Board of Selectman to NHDES
4/22/2024 BCM Environmental Law extension request letter to the US Army Corps of Engineers
4/23/2024 CLF extension request letter to USACE
NHDES Granite State Landfill Permit Applications Page: Click Here
*Casella's current NCES Landfill permit allows for 230,200 cubic yards of annual capacity (approximately 180,000 tons), with only 2% reported as originating from out of state in 2023. Casella is seeking 600,000 cubic yards of annual capacity (approximately 456,000 tons) at the new GSL landfill site next to Forest Lake. Thus, with NH-generated waste at NCES remaining relatively flat, year over year, the GSL operating permit would be 2.5 TIMES the annual max capacity at NCES, with 60% of annual waste intake originating from out of state. Do the math.
February 20, 2024, 344-page Report of the Dalton Conservation Commission
sent to NHDES re: GSL Wetlands Permit Application NHDES File Number: 2023-03259, urging DENIAL
March 1, 2024 Report of the Bethlehem Conservation Commission sent to NHDES re: GSL Wetlands Permit Application NHDES File Number: 2023-03259, urging DENIAL
March 15, 2024 letter from the Town of Littleton Conservation Commission to NHDES, urging DENIAL
March 26, 2024 letter from the Grafton County Commissioners to NHDES, sharing concerns about PFAS contamination at the NCES Landfill and urging DENIAL
3/1/2024 Caledonian-Record: State Deems Casella Landfill Application Incomplete
4/8/2024 Concord Monitor:
Once again, NHDES sides with industry over the citizens of NH in opposing HB1620, which would enact a moratorium on NEW landfill permits until 2028
HB1620 Senate E&NR Hearing on HB1620: https://youtu.be/o-mXXWKIh5c
(Watch the nonsensical testimony from NHDES...landfill operating permits require prioritizing NH waste over out-of-state)
3/2/2024 In the news:
3/1/2024 Casella Letter to VT ANR: February 24, 2024, SAFF Leachate Treatment System Malfunction
3/13/2024 Casella 3.5 Acre Landfill Landslide #Capastrophe in NY Update: Ontario Landfill Systems Damaged by November Landslide Won’t Be Fixed for Another Two Months, Casella Tells DEC
Feb 20, 2024 Cal-Rec: Landfill Moratorium Bill Amended (2028), Committee Votes OTPA 18-0
Casella "Confession": 9-page narrative, detailing why they are submitting revised permit applications, confirming my claim that "Concept 5", a single-phase 18-year 70-acre landfill, is an attempt to "get-a-foot-in-the-door".
Casella has always been about expansion, thus, NHDES/EPA/USACOE MUST AT LEAST consider the previously-submitted "Concept 4" impacts, for a 135-acre, 38-year landfill, since that is what Casella submitted previously! The map overlay shown above depicts how nicely Concept 5 fits within the larger Concept 4 footprint. "Concept 1" was "the initial potentially viable landfill footprint", according to Casella in its 9-page "confession", linked above.
"Concept 1 filled and permanently disturbed 40 acres of wetland, with required stormwater
ponds resulting in an additional 3 acres of wetland filling or disturbance (not allowed by rules). Concept
1 has a landfill footprint of 238 acres and a capacity of 67 million cubic yards (MCY)."
(That's 111 years of permitted capacity at 600,000 cubic yards/year)
Their narrative also highlights what an environmentally-sensitive area this is, as noted by the initial and significantly larger "Concept 1" boundaries.
-from section 7-part-1-2, wetlands dredge and fill permit application
In the news, from WMUR:
January 17, 2024 Attorney Manzelli letter to NHDES:
Striking Non-Facility Portions of Application from Public Benefit
January 16, 2024 Cal-Rec article:
Video: YouTube Link
Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson At Forest Lake (1/14/2024): Video
January 3, 2024 BCM Environmental Law Letter To NHDES:
Applicant’s Extensive Environmental Noncompliance Means Ineligible for New Landfill
Concord Monitor: Top Stories of 2023: State solid waste oversight grows
Excerpt: "Growing concerns over landfill siting and state regulations became a focal point in communities around the state and in the legislature as more people learned about New Hampshire’s status as a dumping ground for out-of-state trash.
The catalyst for increased awareness around these issues was Casella Waste Systems’ proposal to establish a landfill near Forest Lake in the North Country community of Dalton. The move sparked widespread apprehension among residents, who rallied against the state’s rules."
Casella crows over NH Supreme Court 12/28/23 decision reversing NH Waste Management Council ruling that NHDES was "unlawful" in approving NCES Landfill Stage VI expansion:
“The future of solid waste management is to view it as an integrated set of solutions and critical infrastructure designed to keep people and their natural environment safe"- John C, CEO/Chairman, Casella Waste Systems
Waste Today: Court decision clears way for Casella landfill expansion
December 28, 2023 NH Supreme Court "reversal" decision document: Link
North Country group asks state regulators to suspend review of Dalton landfill permit applications
NCABC Attorney Amy Manzelli 11/28/2023 "Stay" Letter To NHDES: Link
NHDES 12/6/2023 Response Letter To Manzelli "Stay" Request: Link
More Casella Controversy In Dalton: Advocates express skepticism about Casella Waste Systems' fuel assistance offer for Dalton residents
More Casella In The News! #Capastrophe!
11/17/2023, From NY:
November 9, 2023 NHPR Story:
October 16, 2023 Landfill Application Notification Letter To Town Of Dalton: Click Here
Blog Post About Next Round Of Casella 2023 Permitting Applications:
Casella "Concept 5" Is A Lie Meant To Get A Foot In The Door
Casella Submits Temporary Air Permit Application For Dalton Landfill Project
(Landfill footprint reduced from 137 acres to 70.1 acres, 8.2 Million TONS of trash, 18 year lifespan, FOR NOW, with approximately 10 acres of wetlands impacts)
Approximately 2800+/- feet to the water's edge
HOWEVER, one thing has NOT changed: Permitted capacity sought of 456,000 TONS per year remains the SAME, and is MORE THAN DOUBLE yearly intake at the NCES Landfill in 2021 and 2.5 TIMES waste intake in 2022!
In The News From Massachusetts: Casella Eyes Re-Opening Hardwick (MA) Landfill
(In case they can't obtain permitting for their Forest Lake landfill project?)
Trash Talk: Should Casella Return or Stay Out? Issue Divides Hardwick, MA
Casella presentation to re-open its controversial Hardwick Landfill, Town of Hardwick, MA, July 18, 2023: Video Link
July 24, 2023 Casella Mailer To Dalton Residents: Link
(Casella not submitting permits until after the Hardwick, MA town meeting?)
October, 2023 SFL/FLA/NCABC Joint Press Release:
"Forest Lake's water is tested annually with NHDES, is extraordinarily clean, and it is free of PFAS. We want to keep it that way."
Fred Anderson, President
Forest Lake Association
Save Forest Lake Online Petition: Please Sign & Share
5/18/2023 Cal-Rec: Casella Drops Defamation lawsuit Against Dalton Landfill Opponent
Boston Globe: The big stink: How a proposed landfill is roiling a tiny New Hampshire town
Op-Ed: An Update On The Fight To Save Forest Lake (And New Hampshire)
Permitting Round 2 Begins
Casella Meeting With NHDES Solid Waste Officials, Nov 18, 2022: Meeting Notes
Casella Meeting With NHDES Wetlands, US Army Corps, EPA: Meeting Agenda
As you can read, Casella and NHDES are now attempting to game the permitting process, by trying to sell the public on a lie. We know what Casella intends to build at this site, based on the initial round of permit applications, withdrawn in 2021. Now they intend to submit a permit application in mid-2023, drastically reducing the size of the landfill footprint and thus, wetlands impacts, in order to gain permit approvals at the behest of NHDES officials. Once they are in, they are in, and they have nearly 1900 acres of land under contract. Note that the VOLUME of waste sought for yearly permitted capacity is exactly the same as Round 1, which is double what their neighboring NCES Landfill took in waste in 2021: 227k tons vs 465k tons for GSL. In 2022, the NCES Landfill took in 181,810 tons of waste, thus GSL permitted capacity would be 2.5 TIMES what NCES landfilled!! 18 year permitted life? Yeah, right. This company is all about expansion. While NHDES will try and tell us that they can only weigh the merits of what is submitted to them, we must hold them to the true intent behind this next round of permitting applications, and the true environmental impacts and scope of this project. Otherwise, how on earth can they justify SACRIFICING Forest Lake and the surrounding environment for an 18-year landfill? That is simply not a good deal for New Hampshire and the North Country. Besides, the new NH State Solid Waste Plan seeks a REDUCTION of the waste stream of 25% by 2030. The NH 2020-2021 Solid Waste Biennial Report confirms that there is NO CAPACITY SHORTFALL for New Hampshire until 2034, and by then, the Waste Management Turnkey Landfill will have submitted expansion plans for that facility, and the AVRRDD Mt. Carberry is permitted to 2041, with Phase IIIB expansion plans pushing that facility's permitted life out to 2049. We simply do not need, nor want, this dangerous landfill development next to Forest Lake and the State Park. #SaveForestLake
New 2020-2021 NH Solid Waste Biennial Report: Click Here
See the graph and information on pages 6-9, relative to NH landfill capacity. There is no "shortfall" until at least 2034, despite what Casella tries to sell elected officials and the public!
NH 2022 State Solid Waste Plan: Click Here
The new state solid waste plan, updated for the first time since 2003, has established new waste reduction goals. According to the plan, page 6, the goals seek to reduce the disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) and construction and demolition debris (C&D) by 25% by 2030 and by 45% by 2050
We're not sure how permitting a new, commercial landfill, which seeks permitting for TWICE the 2021 waste intake at Casella's NCES Landfill in Bethlehem, NH, will help the state meet its diversion goals.
The Conservation Law Foundation's appeal of the Casella NCES Stage VI Expansion reaches the NH State Supreme Court, December 5, 2022 filings (Court Date Tuesday, Oct 3, 2023):
“there will be no landfill at Forest Lake in Dalton"
Governor Kelly Ayotte, January 9, 2025
January 17, 2025 SSI Groundwater Monitoring Wells Report, chart, page 2, NEW wells, NEW detections for PFAS, 1,4-Dioxane at B-934U, correlate with PFAS contaminants in previous "Seep" discharge testing detections in 2023 and 2024
Page 3, January 17, 2025 NCES SSI Groundwater Monitoring Report, new B-934U monitoring well PFAS detections, PFOA AGQS exceedance
Report by Hydrogeologist Dr. W. Richard Laton,
Review of Casella Waste Systems Operations at NCES Landfill:
"All the above concerns should be enough evidence to deny the applications for the proposed Granit State Landfill development in Dalton, next to Forest Lake and the state park."
Jim McClammer, Environmental Scientist & NH Certified Wetland Scientist Report:
Water Quality Monitoring Results, North Country Environmental Services, Inc. Landfill
"Based on the well-documented record at the NCES Landfill of ongoing leachate releases to groundwater and surface water, and the
6 5 2013 NCES Landfill Stage IV Phase IIB construction field report. Existing Stage I Phase III liner damage uncovered. Prior owner and builder of Stage I Phase III liner mentioned, Sanco? Where else is there existing damage to the Stage I liner system?
Another field photo, depicting the damaged Stage I Phase III liner system
Compilation of public comments during the US Army Corps Public Meeting concerning the GSL landfill project permit application held in Dalton, NH on June 26, 2024.
Great turnout before the US Army Corps meeting, Q&A, and environmental justice roundtable! Overwhelming opposition in the North Country! Executive Councilor and Gubernatorial Candidate Cinde Warmington, along with NH State Senate Candidates Rebecca McWilliams and Rusty Talbot, and the Honorable Kelley Potenza joined us and spoke to the crowd about the need to protect water, our environment, and our natural resources.
Video from PFAS testing of the NCES Landfill "Seep" surface water discharge into the Ammonoosuc River, conducted on June 13, 2024. I would also note that this testing was also conducted on October 20, 2023, with similar results. As you can see from the report, linked on the Youtube video page, five PFAS contaminants were detected in the June 13, 2024 testing of the Seep runoff entering the Ammonoosuc River. These are the same predominant PFAS compounds found in NCES leachate lab reports: PFHxA, PFBS, PFOA, PFHpA, and PFHxS.
Please Help Us To Stop The Landfill!
While a separate matter, the NH Waste Management Council has deemed that NHDES acted unlawfully in permitting the Stage VI NCES Landfill expansion in CLF appeal decision:
CLF Prevails on Critical Issue in Bethlehem Landfill Appeal MAY 12, 2022
May 11, 2022 WMC Doc
Collusion between NHDES (the state's permitting agency) and the landfill developer, Casella? Optics have been very bad so far, with NHDES even consulting with the NH Attorney General!
NH Attorney General Formella 9/3/21 Email To SFL (since when does the state AG email little old us?)
"Amended" Wetlands Permit Application Agreement B/W Casella and NHDES (Dec 15, 2021 Deadline)
Video from NHDES of 5-hour long "information session": YouTube Link
**be sure to check our file pages for the latest documents!**
Have you signed our "Save Forest Lake online petition? LINK To Petition
September 25, 2021 Cal-Rec Article: Group Pushes State To Re-Include Full Wetlands Impact Of Landfill
Some of the latest letters and news reports:
InDepthNH: Landfill Truck Traffic Subject Of Bethlehem Hearing
InDepthNH: DES Attempts To Connect With Public: Link
Concord Monitor: My Turn: Knocking on DES' Door by Sarah Doucette 9/15/21
Bringing You Up To Speed: Cal-Rec LTE from Jon Swan 9/13/21
Conservation Law Foundation Letter To NHDES September 10, 2021
BCM Environmental Letter To NHDES 9/13/21
From InDepthNH: Casella Protesters: We're Not Going To Take It
Front Page, Union Leader: Protesters Urge State Regulators To Reject Permit For Dalton Landfill
Video of September 10, 2021 "Do The Right Thing, DES" Protest/Rally: Click Here
On August 26, 2021 NHDES wrote to wetlands permit applicant Casella Waste Systems, asking for an "amended" permit application, to be submitted at a later date, thereby circumventing RSA 482 -A:3 XIV(a)(5), which requires an approval or denial of the wetlands permit application, within 45 days following the closing of the record, which WAS scheduled for September 13, 2021.
From the notice of the extension of the public comment period:
"Prior to closing the public hearing, the Presiding Officer announced that, with the consent of the Applicant, the public comment period would be extended until September 13, 2021. Pursuant to RSA 482-A:3 XIV(a)(5), the Department will act on the application within 45 days following closure of the hearing record."
Per RSA 482-A:3 XIV(a)(5) Where the department has held a public hearing on an application filed under this chapter, within 45 days following the closure of the hearing record, approve the application in whole or in part, and issue a permit OR deny the application and issue written findings in support of the denial.
(NHDES is NOT going to do that now, due to their request for an amended application. We are owed a yes or no decision on the application as submitted!)
Please write to NHDES and demand that they follow the law and render a decision on the SUBMITTED and HEARD wetlands permit application, as per state RSA 482-A:3 XIV(a)(5), due by October 28, 2021.
You can send your comments to:
Cc: wetlandsapplicationpubliccomments@des.nh.gov
RE: NHDES File Number: 2020-02239
New Hampshire Attorney General John Formella's Email To Me and My Response April 3, 2021
(Is the AG's office covering for NHDES collusion with Casella?)
Blog Post: Collusion at NHDES (& NHDOJ)?
“we didn’t want to approve that full impact.”
“the department was not going to approve what the company deemed to be all three phases”
Quotes from Rene Pelletier of NHDES, Caledonian-Record 9/4/21
Caledonian-Record 9/4/21: State Requests That Casella Amend Landfill Wetlands Permit Application
InDepthNH News Report 8/31/21: State Seeks Amendment To Casella Wetlands Application
From New Hampshire Bulletin 9/1/21: Casella requests extension on Dalton landfill permitting process as opponents work on new bill
Also, please JOIN US at 2PM on Friday, September 10 for a PROTEST in front of the NHDES building at 29 Hazen Drive in Concord, NH. Please make a sign asking NHDES to do the right thing, follow the law, and issue a decision on the permit application in accordance with state RSA. There will be a short press conference at 2:30PM.
Video from protest: Click Here
Link to NHDES Letter to Casella, August 26: Click Here
Link to Casella Response Letter, August 27: Click Here
If permitted, this 2nd North Country landfill will have the following impacts (that we know of) on the environment, tourism, safety, and quality of life on a regional level:
Forest Lake Landfill Info Sheet: Click Here
To date, Casella has still NOT sought ANY local approvals for this project (zoning AND lot line)
Town of Dalton Select Board letter of July 6, 2021 to NHDES Wetlands Bureau, urging suspension of permit process until local approvals are met: Click Here
Town of Dalton Select Board letter of August 12, 2021 to NHDES Waste Management, clarifying local permitting status (Casella refuses to seek local approval): Click Here
Over 300 Attend Hearing, 150 Rally Before Hearing In Opposition To Wetlands Permit
North Country Residents Urge State To Deny Landfill Wetlands Permit
by Robert Blechl, Caledonian Record
Some excerpts:
"Citing wetlands scientist and Antioch University professor Rick Van de Poll, Tucker said Van de Poll characterizes the proposed project as “perhaps one of the worst potential environmental disasters in the Granite State in recent memory.” Van de Poll said no comprehensive wetlands evaluation or wildlife habitat impact studies have been completed and the project would permanently impact “seven times more wetlands than the failed Northern Pass proposal.”'
...To DES, Jon Swan, Dalton resident and founder of Save Forest Lake, said, “I’m a firm believer that a company’s past performance should serve as a precursor of things to come … Based on my findings, this applicant has been involved in 64 lawsuits, cited for 42 environmental and operational violations, paid over $9.25 million in fines and settlements, and has been involved in 16 accidents and deaths.”
(Click Here For PDF of Casella Lawsuits, Violations, and Fines)
Other News Reports:
Union Leader: Protest precedes hearing on wetlands permit for Dalton landfill
NH Bulletin Story: Public hearing on proposed Dalton landfill draws a crowd in opposition
NHPR Story: Protesters Rally Against Proposed Casella Landfill At Wetlands Permit Hearing In North Country
Boston Globe: As landfill space dwindles in Massachusetts, New Hampshire has become the state’s dumping ground
Coos Democrat: NHDES Urged To Reject Landfill Permit
Video of Public Hearing: https://youtu.be/G9qesGL0in4
Video of Rally: https://youtu.be/l-WjUX-HHjE
PDF Compilation of Casella Lawsuits, Violations, and Fines: Click Here
Links to the 397-page Wetlands Permit Application (Aug 2020) and other docs
(DES now has 2 different sites, for some reason):
Original: Link to docs
New: Link to docs
NHDES admits consulting with NH Attorney General about violating RSA 482-A:3 XIV(a)(5)
In December of 2021, Casella Waste Systems withdrew their wetlands permit application, following the NHDES request for an "amended" permit application in September of 2021.
So much for "state of the art", as Casella's engineering expertise and operational abilities continue to be questioned during this permitting fiasco. As we've stated from the beginning, this is a terrible location for such an industrial development, and as the map above highlights, it is surrounded by wetlands that feed into the Ammonoosuc River. Simply put, Casella is in over its head on this project and NHDES seems to know that. The question is, why are they trying to help Casella save face, as opposed to just telling them that this project is simply not going to fly?
Some Important Info From The NH Solid Waste Working Group:
NH Solid Waste Working Group Chairwoman and NH State Rep Karen Ebel's honest, substantive and very nuanced testimony (February 2, 2022) on NH solid waste woes, cued to 41:21 and ends at 59:20
A MUST WATCH: https://youtu.be/W0KIdWiojl4?t=2481
Please, be sure to catch her closing comments relative to the NH Attorney General's 2021 opinion on the Interstate Commerce Clause at 56:45 AND 57:24, her observations about NH's reliance on private landfills and out-of-state waste!! Does NH really want to curb the influx of out-of-state trash into our borders? NH Attorney General's opinion on the ICC supports a future STATE-OWNED LANDFILL!
In the News:
Casella Pulls Dalton Wetlands Permit Application
Permit application for Dalton landfill withdrawn -- for now
Casella withdraws wetlands permit application, plans to resubmit next year
Casella Withdraws Dalton Wetlands Application
Casella's Misinformation Campaign
Blog Post:
Casella Withdrawal Letter, December 10, 2021
NHDES Acknowledgment of Withdrawal Letter, December 13, 2021
TOGETHER, WE can stop this dangerously-irresponsible project. Send an email to:
SaveForestLake@yahoo.com to be added to our mailing list for the latest updates!
**Be sure to check out our files sections for the latest documents relative to the leachate spill and permit violations at the NCES Landfill in bethlehem, owned and operated by Casella
September 19, 2021 Save Forest Lake Press Release: NH OPLC Investigating Casella Engineer GAY
*Update: NHDES Cites Casella/NCES For Operating Deficiency – Leachate Release (May 1 - 3, 2021)
Link to 7/21/21 Letter: Click Here
More News Reports As NHDES Cites Casella For Deficiencies & Violations At NCES:
Cal-Rec: NHDES Administrative Order Issued For Permit Violations
InDepthNH: Bethlehem Landfill Cited for Operational Deficiencies
Cal-Rec: Casella Slapped With "Operational Deficiency" For Leachate Spill
NHPR: State Says Casella Fell Short On Preventing Major Landfill Leachate Spill
Link to NHDES Administrative Order For Permit Violations Due To Filling Outside Of Permitted Boundaries (7/16/21) 24,000 TONS of trash buried OUTSIDE of permitted area!
As reported by NHPR:
"The state is investigating what may be its largest-ever spill of leachate from a landfill –the North Country Environmental Services facility in Bethlehem, owned by Vermont waste company Casella.
The state says the incident began late on May 1, a Friday, and lasted until the following Monday.
Operators arrived to find that a leachate tank had been overflowing all weekend, spilling as much as 154,000 gallons of what’s often called “garbage juice.”' Link To Article
Follow up docs uploaded by NHDES to OneStop May 25, 2021, complete reports and photos, from NHDES are uploaded at the links below:
According to NHDES's Jaime Colby:
On May 3, NCES explained that
o UST (Underground storage tank) A and UST B are each approximately 30,000 gallons
o UST A pumps to UST B, until UST B is full; then UST B pumps to the AST (Above ground storage tank, approx. 150,0000 gal)
o When the AST, UST B, and UST A are full, a signal is sent to all facility pumps to stop pumping NCES thinks that sometime over the weekend, all the tanks filled and Stage 4, Phase II continued to pump to the tanks
o Stage 4, Phase II pump communication is via a wireless radio signal, while the other pumps at the facility are hardwired
o NCES stated that it has been having difficulty with the wireless radio signal, and had been troubleshooting it for several weeks
(NCES estimated 4 to 6 weeks), and that an electrician had been in the prior week (week of April 26) to replace a part; NCES stated that it was not aware that the issue had not been fixed by the work
o NCES estimated that 500-600 gallons of leachate were released, but wasn’t sure; generally estimated less than 1,000 gallons released
o NCES observed that it appeared the leachate rose in the tanks, overflowed into manways, and ultimately discharged into the storwmater pond through old infrastructure that is no longer used by NCES but that is still in place
Thursday, May 6, 2021
On May 6, 2021, I called Joe Gay at about 10:15 AM to schedule a site visit for Monday, May 10, 2021. I also requested that the incident report include the total capacity of the leachate system (e.g., storage tanks) and an explanation or discussion of why the tanks may have been near full before the weekend.
May 10 site visit report, with photos: https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/3a99e672-2796-498c-8250-9aae47365deb/downloads/May%2010%202021%20DES%20Site%20visit%20with%20pictures.pdf?ver=1621975339251
May 11 file report: https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/3a99e672-2796-498c-8250-9aae47365deb/downloads/May%2011%202021%20James%20ORourke%20file%20for%20comms%20of%20Ma.pdf?ver=1621975339251
May 20 file report: https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/3a99e672-2796-498c-8250-9aae47365deb/downloads/May%2020%20Jamie%20Colby%20comms%20May%203%20with%20Casella%20fo.pdf?ver=1621975339251
May 26-27 "Leachate Management Audit" Reveals 13 "Findings": Link To 7-Page Report
The above chart is from page 6 of the recently-released 2020-2021 NHDES Biennial Solid waste Report. As you can see, this chart confirms what we have been saying all along, that New Hampshire does NOT have a landfill capacity problem, with no anticipated capacity shortfall occurring until at least 2034, even with the closure of Casella's NCES Landfill by 2026 (or sooner). In fact, Waste Management representatives and NHDES officials have stated on record that the Turnkey Landfill in Rochester, NH will assuredly seek expansion, thus ensuring landfill capacity beyond 2050!
NH has PLENTY of capacity, especially for NH-generated waste. New Hampshire does have an "out-of-state" waste problem, particularly with commercial operators with "unlimited service area" permits, allowing for importing waste into New Hampshire. We need to stop the flow of out-of-state waste into New Hampshire.
The continued use of a false narrative, using the outdated 2019 legislative report, which does not take into consideration the permitted/pending expansions, simply highlights the reliance on deceptive messaging by the waste industry to promote the outdated practice of landfilling in order to further the continued exploitation of NH for the financial interests of the waste industry, and in particular, Casella. Casella wants another landfill in NH so as to continue the lucrative practice of importing out-of-state waste into our borders.
Simply put, NH does NOT need a new landfill, Casella does!
Link to 2020-2021 NHDES Biennial Report: Click Here For PDF
Governor Sununu Lies About HB1454, Supports Casella's Forest Lake Landfill Project, 11/1/22 WMUR Gubernatorial Debate: Video, Click Here
September 15 Rally/House & Senate Vote Video: https://youtu.be/-WVb82mJW4k
(78% of votes cast overall were in FAVOR of the veto override)
256-65 in House, 11-12 in Senate
Union Leader: NH State Senate Bails Sununu Out Over Landfill Siting
Video Invite: Join Us On September 15th, 10:45AM in Concord on Veto Override Day
8/16/22 Letter from the Town of Dalton Conservation Commission to NH House and Senate:
Support The HB1454 Veto Override
7/25/22 NH Bulletin Op-Ed:
WMUR News Report, Video: Governor vetoes bill to tighten permitting rules for new landfills
Cal-Rec: Governor Vetoes Landfill Groundwater Bill
NHPR: Sununu Vetoes Bill That Would Have Created New Rules for Siting Landfills
Manchester Union Leader Editorial: Landfill issue: Details, Gov., details
Letter to editor, Union Leader: Governor Sununu Has An Opportunity To Protect NH's Water
May 10, 2022 news report from WMUR on HB1454, Sununu sides with Casella: https://www.wmur.com/article/lawmakers-activists-governor-landfill-new-hampshire-51022/39959214
Casella & Free Staters Deceive Dalton Voters Into Surrendering Local Land Use Control
InDepthNH: Dalton Voters Defeat Permanent Zoning
Video Revealing Casella Deception of Dalton: https://youtu.be/73EeiwwdU2E
As predicted below, Casella WITHDRAWS ALL remaining landfill permit applications!
May 31, 2022 Casella Solid Waste Permit Application Withdrawal Letter
6/3/22 News Report From NHPR: Casella withdraws permit applications for Dalton landfill
6/1/22 Casella Withdraws Landfill Permit For Dalton: Caledonian-Record
6/1/22 GSL Withdraws Permit Applications For Dalton Landfill: InDepth NH
May 12, 2022 Letter From NHDES To Casella: June 1, 2022 DEADLINE Approaching
Will Casella WITHDRAW Solid Waste Permit Application? Possibly, As Denial Looms!
HB1454 Passage (May 5, 2022) In The News:
InDepthNH: Landfill Restrictions Pass Senate, Soucy Says She Was Bullied
Caledonian-Record: Landfill Setback Bill Passes N.H. Senate Following Compromise
NH Bulletin: Senate passes landfill buffer zone legislation
NHPR: The latest on environment and energy bills in the New Hampshire legislature
Union Leader: Senate approves tougher bill for new landfill sites
WMUR Evening News clip (5/5/22)
WMUR Morning News clip (5/6/22)
5/10 WMUR 5 o'clock news report on HB1454 and rebuttal of Governor Sununu comments of 5/5
Video of Senate floor vote to approve HB1454 (May 5, 2022)
On April 21, HB1454 was "Special Ordered" on the floor of the NH State Senate for May 5, 10:00AM. NH Republican Senators have the opportunity to save the day for HB1454, in the best interests of the people of New Hampshire and our environment! GOP Majority Leader Jeb Bradley, during that April 21st Senate session stated on the floor that he was going to reach out to Senator Watters and Senator Perkins-Kwoka to find a resolution. He also stated that he felt that finding a resolution to this important bill would be 'for the betterment of New Hampshire".
Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee "Executive Session" in which the committee votes 3-1 to ITL HB1454. Senator Kevin Avard stated that "I don't like this one" and "moves the goalposts midstream". Shameful how the private waste industry seemingly has him under their thumb. Cued video link
Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee Hearing On HB1454
Video of 4/5/22 Senate E&NR Hearing For HB1454: Link
HB1454 Lawsuit Threat: Casella Aims To Open Dalton Landfill, With Lawsuit If Necessary
Video: HB1454 PASSED In The House (3/16/22) Video Link
Please urge your State Senator to SUPPORT HB1454! Senate Contact Info
Video: Casella Attorney ADMITS Dalton Landfill Site Would Not Meet Setback Standards Under HB1454! Video Link
NH Bulletin (3/4/22): House committee narrowly recommends advancing landfill siting bill
Video, links below, from the March 1, 2022 NH House E&A Committee vote on HB1454. Some fantastic, passionate discussion amongst the committee members as to why this bill is so important. HB1454 came out of committee 10-9 as OTPA! On to the House floor!
Cued to 14:54, when the House E&A subcommittee final work session & vote of subcommittee on HB1454: https://youtu.be/nKxiFgMPr5E?t=894
Cued to 57:35, when the entire House E&A committee meets on HB1454 with the executive session to follow, with it coming out of committee as OTPA (Ought To Pass as Amended) 10-9: https://youtu.be/nKxiFgMPr5E
Linked below is an EXCELLENT letter in the Union Leader, relative to HB1454
Science Matters siting Landfills
Capacity Crisis? What Capacity Crisis? NHDES Director Mike Wimsatt Confirms Existing Landfills Expanding, Debunks Casella "Capacity Shortfall" Misinformation Campaign: Click Here For Video
Casella Admits Will "Backfill" NH Waste Diversion With Out-Of-State Trash! Click Here For Video
Cued video of the January 18, 2022 NH House E&A public hearing testimony on HB1454: https://youtu.be/2ef68aCI3bM?t=14706
There were a lot of blue shirts at the "Override The Veto" Rally at the State Capitol in Concord!
The AVRRDD Mt. Carberry Landfill just outside of Berlin, NH in the unincorporated Town of Success, NH in Coos Country
The Androscoggin Valley Regional Refuse Disposal District is the only solid waste district in the state that owns and operates its own commercial landfill
Since the Mt. Carberry Landfill is municipally-owned, they don't have a fleet of trucks hauling waste from outside of the North Country
When NCES closes and Casella is stopped in Dalton, there will not be any more of those dirty, ugly MBI trucks roaring thru the Notch!
The Phase III Expansion has not even begun, with permitted capacity life expectancy to last until 2049 and by working to reduce what we waste, we can protect precious landfill capacity for NH waste, not out-of-state!
December 10, 2019 News Article In Which Executive Director Sharon Gauthier discusses acceptance of waste from other North Country towns. Dalton made the switch in June, 2020 and saved money due to lower tipping fees!
Interview with Berlin Mayor and AVRRDD Board Member Paul Grenier discussing the closure of NCES and acceptance of North Country waste from a 2020 news article
When people ask "where is our trash going to go?" you can tell them to Mt. Carberry. it already exists, so the North Country does NOT need a NEW landfill at Forest Lake!
News Story: Landfill Buffer Bill Passes House, Moves To Senate
HB 177 Had Wild Ride Before Getting Out Of House
by Robert Blechl rblechl@caledonian-record.com 4/13/21
Short video from North Country Alliance For Balanced Change on the threat to Forest Lake State Park posed by Casella Waste Systems and their adjacent landfill development. Together, we can stop this! We NEED your help!
Kid Conservationist: Did you know that one of the first ten state parks in New Hampshire may become neighbors to a landfill?
AnnMarie Rigazio Tower of Whitefield and a few family members at their home on Forest Lake in Whitefield, NH discuss their family's experiences on the lake and how important it is to their family.
Video of the Forest Lake Boat Parade, July 4, 2020 at Forest Lake State Park in the lovely North Country of New Hampshire. It was a beautiful day, lots of great boat entries, some footage of the lake itself, and the crowded public beach at the Forest Lake State Park. All of this is under threat from a proposed 500+ acre landfill development adjacent to the state park and only 1/4 of a mile from the lake itself. What could possibly go wrong?
A sweet victory over Casella Waste Systems and its pro-landfill surrogates as the citizens of Dalton voted 154-129 to empower Dalton with Emergency Temporary Zoning in an effort to stop an unwanted, and unneeded, 1279 acre garbage landfill development next to Forest Lake State Park and only 2800 feet from the waters edge of Forest Lake. What could go wrong with that silly idea?
2 news segments, 6pm and 11pm July 23, 2019 from WMUR relative to the public hearing on Emergency Temporary Zoning in Dalton. An unpopular, but necessary effort to try and stop the proposed 1279 acre landfill development only 2800 feet from Forest Lake and175 feet from the State Park boundary.
Cal-Rec Story: Landfill Buffer Bill Finally Killed For Good
NH Bulletin: Lawmakers Scrap Landfill Buffer Bill
New Hampshire Landfill-State Parks Buffer Bill Back From Dead, Again
Link: Click Here
Casella's Kevin Roy shamelessly lobbies the Town of Plymouth Select Board for help to defeat HB177...and gets handed his hat! 5/10/21 Video: Click Here
5/11/21: InDepthNH News Report: Local Fight Over Landfill Lands Before Senate Committee
5/10/21: HB177 was heard by the Senate "Energy and Natural Resources" committee on Monday, May 10. Over 50 people spoke, including 9 State Reps, and the committee admitted that they have received thousands of emails! The "sign in" sheet was 470 individuals signed in favor of the bill, 56 individuals signed in opposition, and 1 individual signed in as neutral. Our NH State Parks are major economic drivers and must be protected for future generations to also enjoy! #HB177
5/21/21 A SAD Day as N.H. Senate Votes Down Bill To Ban Landfills Near State Parks Link Here
May 6, 2021 News Story In Cal-Rec: North Country Advocates Rally Senate Support For HB177
As you know by now, HB177 passed in the House on Friday, April 9, 2021, 197-159. This bill would create a 2-mile setback for siting a landfill next to a state park. Sadly, Covid killed it last year as HB1319 before it could reach the Senate. This year, despite the GOP-led Environment/Agriculture Committee voted along party lines that the legislation should go to the floor as ITL, inexpedient to legislate, a bi-partisan effort led to the overturn of the ITL and passed the bill!
Click Here For Story On HB177 In Concord Monitor
Link to full record for HB177 in the House: Public Testimony
April 7, 2021 Caledonian-Record Story: SAU 36: School Board Hears Landfill Traffic Concerns
Feb 15, 2021 Caledonian-Record Story: "Proposed Landfill In Dalton Triggers Lawsuit Against State"
Feb 14, 2021 NHPR Story: "Lawsuit Aims To Block NH Landfill Permits Under Outdated Waste Plan"
Please write to NH DES and urge them to DENY the wetlands permit at:
To: wetlandsapplicationpubliccomments@des.nh.gov
CC: craig.rennie@des.nh.gov
Subject: Wetlands Application #2020-02239
News Story From the Caledonian-Record (Jan 14, 2021):
More Towns Mount Opposition To Proposed Landfill In Dalton
Also From The Caledonian-Record:
"Although Casella representatives previously told the public that the landfill would not be visible, Rennie said it appears the finished grades of the landfill will be higher in elevation than the land’s height toward Forest Lake and the state park, and visual and aesthetic impacts must be further assessed.
For the 397-acre state park and surrounding areas that the state says play a supporting role in regional recreation, DES is asking Casella to provide in greater detail whether impacts from the project could “eliminate, depreciate or obstruct the commerce, recreation or aesthetic enjoyment of the public” as outlined under state law.
It is also not clear how “the downstream high-value Alder Brook wetland complex and ultimately the Ammonoosuc River’s water quality will be protected if treatment of landfill runoff fails or if the landfill liners develop leaks over time,” said Rennie." Full story: Click Here
Meanwhile stonewalling on zoning application...Perhaps hoping HCA negotiations would provide credibility to NH DES for project while hoping for a zoning vote defeat in March?
"Considering factors of topography, natural resources, socio-economics, and safety, the LAC members in attendance were in accord that selection of the landfill location should be based on criteria related to the environmental and hazardous material management. It is recommended that the Dalton site selected for the new landfill does not appear to be a suitable location for multiple reasons. In addition, the Ammonoosuc River having been selected for two upstream landfill sites (existing landfill in Bethlehem and proposed site in Dalton) makes it seem like the responsibility has unduly been put on one river to carry the landfill burden, which is unfair to the downstream communities." Full Letter To NHDES
That's right, looks like 100 WB-67 Tractor Trailers will be rolling thru Whitefield!
Click here for link to meeting minutes doc in our files section
One week after Casella Waste Systems made its formal offer of $71 million over 25 years to the town of Dalton in support for a landfill beside Forest Lake State Park, selectmen took their next step — looking into the zoning question.
Since July 2019, Dalton has had temporary emergency zoning (coming out a special town meeting in 2019 in response a possible landfill), and the Board of Selectmen on Wednesday voted 3-0 to enlist the town attorney to look into the zoning application process.
Representatives of Casella Waste Systems on Monday made their formal money offer to the town - one they said includes homeowner compensation for any devalued properties - in return for the town’s support of a landfill beside Forest Lake State Park.
The company’s engineer also said permits are now being filed. The state wetlands permit application for the privately owned commercial landfill, which, if approved, would be called the Granite State Landfill, was expected to be filed Tuesday, Sept. 1, said Casella engineer Joe Gay.
Although no application has been submitted by Casella Waste Systems for its proposed landfill in Dalton, an official with the state environmental services department said two applications for needed permits for the project could be submitted this month.
That comes out of a July 23 remote meeting that state Rep. Andrew Bouldin, D-Manchester, at the request of several North Country residents, scheduled with representatives of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, whose solid waste management director, Mike Wimsatt, fielded two dozen questions from area residents about the status of the company’s plans in Dalton and Bethlehem.
Some history on the Casella operated, state-owned Juniper Ridge Landfill. Video: Out of State Trash into JRL and Leachate into Penobscot River
The Casella-run JRL has raised the ire and scrutiny of local landfill opponents and community members for nearly two decades. Community members across Maine have tried repeatedly to show that state waste rules are not protective of environmental and human health, with leachate being processed and dumped into the Penobscot River.
Some history on the Casella Hardwick Landfill in Hardwick, MA. Note the impact on the town, which appears to be very similar to both Dalton and Whitefield, NH. Is this our future? We can work together to STOP this from happening to Dalton, Whitefield, and the North Country. #DevastatingImpact
"Now U Know', an engaging and revealing 2009 documentary about the Southbridge Landfill expansion, explores how and why a dangerous landfill expansion proposed by Casella Waste Systems, Inc. was approved by the local Board of Health despite overwhelming public opposition. The film demonstrates that not only can a landfill of that size not be made safe, but it shows that residents do not trust Casella Waste to protect their health.
CEO John Casella receives a green business innovator award from Vermont Law School despite trail of environmental disasters throughout New England created by Casella Waste Systems. #GreenWashing101
News story from 2010 where The Maine Supreme Court has ruled that private citizens can sue Maine Energy Recovery Company in Biddeford, owned and operated by Casella Waste Systems. Casella eventually sold it to Biddeford and MERC was closed for good. #Nuisance
Is Dalton, NH next? Let's hope not!
"I have seen the name of Southbridge, MA in connection with Casella Waste Management - but I never fully appreciated how much The Town of Bethlehem has in common with The Town of Southbridge. A few seconds of research on the Internet revealed several news articles. The one that quickly caught my attention was in the June 2017 Telegram & Gazette (telegram.com). The article details a lawsuit filed against Casella by two environmental groups and says: “The suit alleges the Southbridge landfill has been releasing toxic pollutants to groundwater for years...”
In the overview, the state director of one of the environmental groups, said Casella consistently employs "sneaky and aggressive strategies" to bully towns and expand their profits. She continued, "Casella's business strategy pattern is to enter communities with an existing trash facility and expand, expand, expand, while trying to disregard local officials and concerned residents."
If this was not hard enough to read and so familiar, the comments by a resident affected by the pollution were just as meaningful: "When you think about how long this has been going on and the fact that Casella is still seeking to expand...It boggles my min...To me, it's proof that they are willing to put profit before people."
Herein is the strongest connection between Southbridge and Bethlehem. That the Casella corporation is described in this article in ways we in Bethlehem have already experienced should be a rude awakening for anyone “on the fence” about this company and make everyone aware of their relentlessly aggressive attempts to convince us to permit them to EXPAND the NCES landfill from 61 to 161 acres, another 100 acres for a mega-dump!
The Casella corporation has some in town believing that a landfill expansion will save us from financial ruin. The fact is our property taxes have already risen – despite Casella dumping TONS of trash from multiple STATES here for YEARS!
That same article about Southbridge describes how contaminants – one a “probable human carcinogen 1,4-dioxane” – have been discovered in “drinking water aquifers and residential drinking wells.” Casella denies responsibility, of course, but another article (February 2017) reported that the Mass. Dept. of Environmental Protection “named Casella as the potential responsible party and directed the company to supply bottled water or whole-house filtration systems to the affected homes.”
Bethlehem has spent tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees FIGHTING Casella over the past 20 years and we continue to add legal fees to the budget because of Casella, most recently because they may file for an abatement to decrease their taxes. These legal fees increase our property taxes.
The NCES landfill is on Trudeau Road in Bethlehem, but during the day the mound of trash can easily be seen from Route 302 in both directions, and at night you can see the flame from the torch burning off the gases being released from the trash. This eye sore is a heartbreaking blemish on the beautiful backdrop of our White Mountains!
The Southbridge landfill and its history goes back to before Casella became involved, but once they were – their business model only added to the woes that face this town today – and what could very well be the future of the NCES/Casella landfill here.
We must say no to any future landfill expansions."
Nancy Dickowski, Bethlehem
(THANKS to Build A Better Bethlehem for allowing us to use Nancy's commentary! )
To read even more warnings from Bethlehem and Southbridge residents, click here.
More info located in our "Files" sections as there is so much data about this controversial company!
New Hampshire State Parks Director REJECTS Casella "offer" of financial assistance for Forest Lake
Casella Attorney Tries To To Open Up Back Room Talks With Dalton: Selectboard Says NO
Mainers try to close loophole on out of state waste: Casella has long taken advantage of
Casella's Controversial History in Hardwick, MA: 23 Minute Video Details Dramatic Impact on town
A not so flattering look at Casella Waste Systems in Bethlehem, NH: 2009 YouTube Video John Casella Gets Green Award And Questioned About Bethlehem
From 2005, A Detailed Report On Controversial Casella: Coming To A Community Near You?
Casella's controversial history in Maine: I would rather shake hands with a rattlesnake
Casella tries to take advantage of Covid-19 crisis in VT: Seeks Delay Of July 1 Food Waste Ban
More bad news for Casella-operated landfill in the Finger Lakes of New York state:
Casella Gets New Violation Notice For Odors
Not Much Has Changed In Six Years: Odor Complaints In The News 2014
Class-Action Lawsuit Filed By Over 1000 Plaintiffs In NY v Casella Over Odor, Declining Property Values
Click Here For Story And Court Docs
High readings for PFAS found in Montpelier and Newport VT wastewater plants:
The 2 plants cited regularly accept landfill leachate from Casella landfill
Video of Casella CEO John Casella at Jan 2020 Newport Meeting on landfill leachate:
Casella: "The science says there is no health risk to humans or to the environment" (from PFAS)
Casella’s interest is their bottom line, not their community:
A response to ‘Why weren’t we in the room?’
Casella CEO John Casella Wants To Give Town of Dalton $50K-$100K:
Landfill Opponent Files Complaint Of “Influence Peddling” With NHAG
Coventry, VT Landfill Tanker Crash Causes Contaminant Spill
Early Morning Accident Spill Of 8000 Gallons Near Black River
Casella Greed On Full Display At Hakes NY Landfill:
Little Concern Shown As Plaintiffs Sue Over Radioactive Fracking Waste
Casella Bypasses Maine Law Prohibiting Out Of State Trash:
Juniper Ridge Landfill To Receive More Toxic Sludge
Casella CASHING IN On Recycling Crisis It Helped To Create (Westbrook, ME Story)
Note High Contamination Rate For "Zero-Sort" Recycling (40-60% Contamination)
Casella in Potsdam, NY: Waste Stream Inc. SuperFund Site Remediation (Tax Abatement Sought):
Village left with contaminated wetlands and “a whole bunch of worthless property.”
Hyland Landfill Issues From Angelica, NY
Damning commentary about Casella's impact in Angelica, NY
Here's Another Website Dedicated To Casella's Bad Reputation: Click Here
Oh, but wait, here's another! Warnings from Bethlehem and Southbridge residents about Casella
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